Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Swampers 5k

I'm a new man.  I LOVE running.  If you knew me in my previous life of Ironman training, you'd know that I simply endured running back then.  What has turned me around?  I got fed up with inconsistent results, injuries, and I received a lot of encouragement from my friends.  Those guys never give up on me!

The Build Up to Swampers (April 27)
About five weeks out from Swampers 5k I asked my friend, Chris Borden (http://twobordens.blogspot.com/) to write a training plan for me.  I decided that my A-races for 2013 would be The Stump Jump 50k trail run and the Pensacola Marathon, so he started me on a base build as follows:

4 weeks to Swampers (this date was April 1)
4 runs this week. 
2x30' aerobic
1x45' aerobic
1x60' aerobic

5 runs next week
2x30' aero
2x45' aero
1x60' aero

6 runs week 3

Race week:
30' EZ-aerobic
20' aerobic 
Then 4x (2' 1 mile race pace, 2'ez) 10' EZ-aero
Wed-off*email me here for race strategy 
Thursday - 30' aero with 3-4x20-30" strides. Stop when you feel good. 
WU ~ 10-20' EZ building to aero with 3-4x20-30"strides, stop when you feel good
CD-10' EZ

I followed this plan religiously.  

About a week before the race I realized I would have a real, honest to goodness race strategy.  Up until then I didn't think I would have enough running under my belt to even worry about it.  I just figured I would run it as best I could then use that time to establish beginner training paces.  The interesting thing about my training leading up to Swampers was that I wasn't given hard and fast paces I had to hold for prescribed durations, rather I was given only two paces, Easy and Aerobic.  These were described as EASY feeling really easy and AEROBIC still being able talk.  On Wednesday before the race, as noted above, I received my race strategy and nervously read it.  I printed it out and carried it with me in my lunch cooler.  I'd pull it out whenever I had an extra moment to look at it and make sure what I was rolling through my head was correct.  

Race Day
Race day rolled around and I followed my strategy from warm-up to race as closely as I could.  Chris had told me my legs would feel out of sorts, but don't let it faze me, it was normal.  Sissy and Emma were running  the race too so I was pretty excited about that as well.  At the starting line I gave them high-fives and we threw up our Marshes.  When the gun sounded people in thongs ran past me.  Haha...just kidding!  I watched throngs of people run past me.  As they did, I wondered which ones I'd catch and which ones I wouldn't.  It wasn't long before some of the more overzealous began falling behind me.  A few minutes into the race I saw Sissy running too hard trying to keep up with her friend.  I told her to chill out on the front end and finish strong then I ran on.  The rest of the run went as planned.  I followed my paces and ran the race lines not the curbs.  It was nice running a smart race and not blowing myself up by outrunning my fitness.  I was, however, incredibly surprised at how fast my friend Jimmy had gotten.  It took me until about mile 2.9-3.0 to run him down and pass him.  Holy frijoles that dude has improved...hats off to you, my friend!  I made my pass on him right toward the end and hung on to make it stick.  I finished at 22:40...that's a PR for me on a sponsored run!!!

Emma and Sissy PRed their runs too.  Sissy won her age group (female 9-10) with a 27:05 and Emma at 30:06.  Great job girls!  You're doing the Marsh name proud!  

Week of April 29
My training for this week looks like 3x50', 2x30' and 1x90' runs all at aerobic pace.  I still haven't done any speed work other than some striders in the days leading up to Swampers and according to the plan for the next four weeks, I won't have any til the week of May 20.  Thus far in the week, I've done two 50' runs.  My average pace has been 9:05 and 9:07 both days.  

The next 5k on my radar is the Loretto 5k in Loretto, TN on July 4.  I hear the course is flat, fast and conducive to PRs!!  I can't wait...see ya there!